As part of the Library of Congress’ National Book Faire, each state and territory affiliate is invited to name a children’s and adult book as its designated Great Reads for 2022. Each book is selected by a local Center for the Book or state library and most are for children and young readers.
“James and the Fireburn,” written by Angela Golden Bryan, has been designated as the territory’s children’s Great Read for 2022. An anti-bullying human rights story inspired by Caribbean history, the story focuses on the importance for children to learn right from wrong and to avoid destructive bullying behavior. The book provides lessons in making wise choices for children while educating readers about a piece of U.S. Caribbean history.
“Fireburn the Screenplay,” also authored by Bryan, was selected as the adult Great Read for 2022 from the USVI. The screenplay is based on the history of St. Croix and the territory’s bloody labor revolt of 1878.
Fireburn Heritage’s mission is to passionately honor the proud U.S. Virgin Islands’ heritage, celebrate its unique culture, and empower future generations by providing educational and artistic tools, resources, collaborative support, and inspiration. We are humbled and honored that two of our products were selected to represent the VI at this year’s Library of Congress National Book Fair. We are grateful to the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands for the opportunity to share VI history beyond the territories.
As the Library of Congress Center for the Book affiliate for the USVI, the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands, with support from the Tourism Department, along with several board members of Fireburn Heritage, represented the territory at the 22nd annual Library of Congress National Book Festival at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. on September 3rd.